Plenary Session: Internet Governance in Asia Pacific: The State of Play and Outlook
Contact Person
Mr. Leonid Todorov
Stakeholder Groups
Rationale for contributors choice
The set of contributors was chosen upon advice of the MSG and Secretariat with a due account of the regional, stakeholder and gender diversity
Relevance of workshop
The panel session is to be run right after the Opening ceremony thereby setting the scene by providing a high-level overview of the ongoing and prospective challenges and processes in the IG area
Nature of proposal
Main Conference Session
Workshop Title
Internet Governance in Asia Pacific: The State of Play and Outlook
Internet governance
Workshop Format
Workshop Format
Specific Issues of Discussion and Description
- I. Moderator’s welcome and introduction of panelists
- Each panelist delivers a 3 min-long statement outlining major developments in the IG area over the year (not to be interrupted by the audience)
- Interaction between the panelists and the audience to cover possible silos and identifying possible items missing; as well both the panelists and the audience are invited to reflect where Asia Pacific is in terms the IG process: what has been done right and how did the success become possible (best practices)? Where has the region underperformed and why? What can be done to remedy the situation?
- The outlook: what processes/pehomena in the IG area are envisaged/ should we expect in the short run (1-2 years ahead)? How would they affect the fundamental IG principles and what should be the community’s response to them?
- The final Qs and As/takeaways round
Moderator’s wrap-up and acknowledgments
Subject matter tags
#AP Internet governance, #FutureoftheInternet
Expected duration
Expected Speakers
Full Name | Organization | Title | Country/Economy of Residence |
Stakeholder Group |
Status of Confirmation |
Gender | |
Ms. | Natalia Mochu | ICANN | GSE Manager, Eastern Europe & Central Asia | Russia | Technnical | Confirmed | F |
Ms. | Lianna Galstyan | APRALO | Vice President | Armenia | Civil society | Confirmed | F |
Mr. | James Clement Ah Wai |
Unit Trust of Samoa | Samoa | Government | Confirmed | M | |
Ms. | Ananya Singh | Fellow | India | Civil society | Confirmed | F | |
Mr. | Eun Chang Choi | Yale Law School Information Society Project | Former fellow | S. Korea | Academia | Confirmed | M |
Mr. | Aris Ignacio | College of Information Technology at Southville International School | Dean | The Philippines | Academia | Confirmed | M |